First, you gotta go and read all the comments for Activity #1 and #3. If you read all the posts about sustainability, everyone is saying it's about keeping things in balance...keeping a healthy balance with the environment...integrating our behaviors so that we work towards using less resources and creating more satisfaction in life. That's what the stairwell full of quotes will do. We'll use the elevator less, get inspired more, and maybe even improve our health simply by adding a little art in our lives. Rahimil had a great idea about putting explicity health quotes throughout to emphasize our purpose.
What we want you to comment on in this post is about what is out of balance not inspiring and therefore NOT sustainable in Hialeah. Look around at our city and our lives. First mention your example of what is out of balance and then give some ideas for how this could be changed or fixed to create the balance, to live more in a way that is sustainable. Go!!!!